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Friday, September 23, 2011

Writing about Mealworms

This week second grade learned about writing question sentences and statements and mealworms.  We are making a question-answer book about mealworms.

By Maribel
What do mealworms eat?
Mealworms eat apples, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes.

By Alyssa
What are the three body parts?
The three body parts are the head, thorax, and abdomen.

By DuQualyn
What do mealworms drink?
Mealworms drink off leaves.

By Kala
How do mealworms grow?
Mealworms eat and drink.

By Brooklynn
Do mealworms have a backbone?
No, they do not.  They have an exoskeleton.

By Jose in Mrs. Fink's class
Why do mealworms live underground?
Mealworms live underground so humans do not step on the mealworms.

By Lawson
Do mealworms slither?
No because they have legs.

By Ruthie
What do mealworms eat?
They eat carrots.

By Carlos
Do mealworms move?
Yes, mealworms move because we saw them move.

By Melanie L
What is a mealworm's life cycle?
Egg, larva, pupa, adult, those are the three stages of a mealworm.

By Alexis R
Do mealworms fly as adults?
The mealworm could fly when they are adults.  It has wings so it can fly.

By David
What do mealworms eat?
They eat apples.


  1. Wow! You have learned so much!

    Love to all,
    Mrs. Rogers

  2. Awesome job writing your questions and answer statements! I have learned some interesting facts about mealworms!

  3. Great questions and answers 2nd grade. I learned some things about mealworms I didn't know before. Keep up the great writing and observing!! I think we have some future scientists!

  4. Yes, the four stages of a mealworm's life cycle are very similar to the butterfly's life cycle as well as any other insect.

    My students loved the insect book we began on Friday! They are great readers and good readers make good Scientists!

    ~Mrs. Fink

  5. Wonderful job on the questions and answers 2nd grade! You are all doing great with your observations! Keep up the good work!

  6. Do you think you could answer this question?

    What are the mealworm's mouth parts?

